Assessments of student's academic level, conduct, and behavior are required for first time admissions for grades 1-8.
LFS Administration may choose to conduct personal interviews with students and parents applying in grades 6 through 8.
How to Enroll
Schedule a tour
Submit an application
Complete interview (If applicable)
Tuition Assistance
Families can apply for need-based tuition assistance (K-8th) through the Archdiocesan Program, Hope for the Future and the Guardian Angel Fund.
Keeping Tuition Low With Support From:
Sundt Foundation
P Twenty-One Foundation
The Westerman Foundation
Holy Spirit Sisters
The Sisters of Carmel of Our Lady of the Incarnation
Arnold and Irene Kocurek Foundation
Faye L. and William L. Cowden Charitable Foundation
Blanche M. Walsh Charity Trust
John G and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation
LFS Alumni